Sleeping Volcano

Sleeping Volcano is a web comic inspired by a crew of patchwork pirates.

The year was 2012.

We played frisbee in the rain, soared like birds in the wind, and swapped stories by the fire.

They were a crew of patchwork pirates. I was a lonely farm kid. They opened my eyes to an eccentric, brilliant world nestled amidst the corn fields.

The comic officially launched on Oct. 1st, 2016 as part of the Creative Women Mini Con at Empire Comics in Sacramento.

Updates will happen rather sporadically while the main storyline is in development. Would love to get reader feedback in developing the story too, which means comments will be added into the website in the future too.

To find out when those updates occur, you can sign up for the newsletter here:

Subscribe to our email newsletter for news of official launch and other updates, sent a few times a year.

Sleeping Volcano updates will also be posted on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram. Thanks for your support during these early days :)

About the web comic

Sleeping Volcano is an adventure web comic inspired by the great eccentrics of the great plains. Start from the beginning


Subscribe for behind-the-scenes updates & new page releases. Sent 12 times per year

Read the first newsletter